First induhthought..

What’s up y’all? I’ve always wanted to do a blog post but I didn't actually think anyone would read it. But you know fuck it. I almost hesitated saying fuck it because what if my mom reads this and she’s like “ Chris I didn’t know you talked like that?! “. I probably shouldnt care but it’s ya mom ya know. Anyways I wanted to start this and be candid as fuck. Just tell you my thoughts about whats going on and weigh in on what i’m going through. I think it would be pretty cool. I’ve always wanted to write a book about what I was thinking and it being really random and flowy without any kind of structure. I feel like the people that would get it would get it. I thought this because there isn’t any context in regular conversations. I just wanted to give a ‘ stReAm of ConSciOuneSs ‘. SUPER WOKE. Yeah, if you’ve gotten this far I really appreciate you reading this. When I imagine you reading this I imagine myself reading this when I look up weird things like, “ why does my dick feel the way it does after I drop acid? “. You know that weird shit you google that nobody knows that you google. I’m really excited about doing these blog post. I love y’all. Thank you so much. :)


Saturday building this website..