Wednesday before thanksgiving!
What’s up y’all? Not quite sure what to talk about today but you know that’s okay. Maybe we should talk about what thanks is for even though I think thanksgiving is kinda some bullshitt. But that’s for a whole nother conspiracy day. I think giving thanks is a good exchange of energy. When you genuinely give thanks and are really appreciative I feel like it transmits through your soul. I’ve noticed when I actually reach out to people and ask them how they are doing without expecting to get anything back it’s always reciprocated. I think deep down we always expect to get something back with whatever we do but I feel like it’s different when you don’t have a nasty intention behind it. Whenever I reached out to someone and I forced it and didn’t actually feel it, nothing ever came back to me. When I started to feel like I wanted other people to do well, things started going better for me. I have a friend named Rocco and I don’t think he knows how much he has inspired me ( I’m pretty sure he has famous parents too ) , but we met on Instagram through some music shit and he often posted about being a mirror and every interaction that we have is a reflection of who we are in that moment. If you have genuine intentions, then it’s inevitable that you will have genuine people around you. When you become something your start to create a threshold and when something in your life drops below that threshold, things start to get weird. Especially when you know how good it felt to be at a certain level. This idea brings all of us and everything is vibrating on different frequencies. Nothing is inherently bad we are just at different vibrations or like the cool kids like to say now “ vibes “. I’ve actually grown to like that word lmao. It encompasses a lot.
I hope that I didn’t get off track, but I’m pretty sure that it all tied together.
Happy Random Dude Came To A Land And Made It His Land And Made It A Holiday Day!