Can’t believe I didn’t post for almost a month..
What’s up y’all? I been chilling. I think I was stressing myself out over somethings that didn’t need to be stressed out about. The way I handle stress now is much different than I used to. Before I would let it consume me and really it didn’t seem like there would be an end to it. Now, I notice stress pop up. It might be located in my body somewhere. I typically feel stress in my shoulder blades if it does come up. It’s an odd feeling and when it comes about I can typically diagnose what’s going on. I’m usually just over reacting to a situation that I’m in, in that particular moment. A lot of “what if’s” pop up and that causes me to be consumed with that thought. Even though it might be something small, the fact that I’m thinking about that particular thing over the course of a day starts to wear down on you. You start to feel mentally tired. That’s what was happening to me.
Anyways, enough stress talk. I noticed when I’m focused on my diet and only smoking weed and not drinking, I’m much lighter. My spirit is lighter. My thoughts are more fluid and creative and cosmic feeling. I feel like I gain a more psychedelic perspective even when I’m not on a psychoactive. There’s just more clarity. Creative ideas start to be pieced together. It’s cool. I did a sober October and it was the best I’d felt in a while and now I’m just being more mindful of how much fun I have. Especially during the week.
I hope y’all have a good past couples weeks and I’ll be sure to post on here at least a couple times a week! Love you all! Thanks to all that bought merch! I think my next post is going to be a thank you to all for buying the new merch. The feedback has been wonderful!
💜👾🔮 <~~~~ cool remixes and shit there :)