“A yard is hard but inch by inch anything is a sinch”

This is a quote by Les Brown. I’ve always liked listening to motivational speakers. They say motivation is short lasting and I can agree that it is, to a certain extent. If you get motivated and then take an action I believe you can keep that process going on. Make it a habit. Make it a habit to listen to something motivational. It can create momentum in your life. That’s really what everything is. Momentum. You can go down a road of dark thoughts and you can go down a road of positive thoughts. It’s just about the momentum. Imagine getting lost in the forest. You can get lost for a little and look back and climb your way back because you can still see the light. You could also go deep in that forest and forget your way back. An example of that is letting your mind wonder on negative self defeating thoughts. It takes practice to stop these thoughts in their tracks. It takes time to settle down when you get flustered. It takes practice to direct your mind in a certain way. It takes practice. Everything takes practice. If you want to exercise, become good at moving. Move a little bit. Get better at moving. Add a little weight. Have fun with it. Do a little and have fun.

just a reminder hear that I typically write in a stream of consciousness. I try to get out of my own way and let my fingers type.

I do this because I know people think in streams and if you are able to read my streams then perhaps it will be relatable to you.

This is the end for now. Thanks!


being consistently in the flow…


I’m back in flow